#damin al ghul
frappegoddess · 4 months
In order to connect with his children, Bruce thought to adopt Gen-Z /Gen Alpha type slang, unfortunately, he sought out help from said children, the worst decision of all, asking Steph.
Steph, with a detailed powerpoint presentation at hand: Ate means that someone slayed really hard, they did a great job at something so they ate-
Bruce, taking down notes furiously: Can you go back to what slayed means? As well as skeebeedee toilet???
Then next day -
Bruce: So...Damian, rizzed up any level ten gyatts yet?
Damian: Father, may I inquire as to the nature of the malady that presently afflicts you?
Bruce, driving Duke to school: You studied hard for that exam, you'll be fine
Duke: Yeah I know, I hope I don't flunk.
Bruce, nonchalantly: You'll cook the exam, you'll eat and leave no crumbs I'm sure of it :)
Duke: *Does a double take leaving the car*
Cass: *Showing off her new pointe shoes to the fam*
Bruce, without looking up from his newspaper: Pop off queen
Jason: The only reason I come back here is for Alfred's cucumber sandwhiches.
Bruce: Straight facts
Jason, glaring daggers at Steph: Oh god.
Bruce, thinking smash means to 💀 someone: I high key wanna smash Superman.
The batkids: WHATTTTTT
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boobilby · 2 months
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Damian Wayne my baby boy
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ultfreakme · 2 years
It’s so funny when damijons write about Damian hating Jay when Damian’s the first and biggest fan of Jay and his stream ‘The Truth’. Like he introduced Jon to Jay, he talks about Jay to Dick so often that Dick decided to sponsor Jay & team up with him. He saw Jon in the presence of Jay and went “ooooh you’re into each other aren’t you? Good job”, then he went to fight alongside Jon & Jay to save Gamorra.
He respects Jay so much that he literally told Jon “hey, look at this person doing things no one else is brave enough to do, you should check him out for more direction.”
Like Damian Al-Ghul/Wayne is a Jay Nakamura stan in canon. He is literally fighting people on twitter defending Jay. #1 JonJay shipper.
(and I need Jon to totally support Flatline and cheer Damian from the sideline like Hiccup did for Toothless that one time)
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charleslucid · 2 years
Jason should be able to make comments about how there’s a possibility that Damian is his son actually
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misty-groves · 5 days
Rewind (here we go again) Chapter one
Rating: M
Pairing: Ivy & Batfam, everyone &everyone
Summary: Ivy takes a day to settle in. Complete bedtime stories, meetings, plans, crime confessions, and hugs.
Warnings: Talk of (past) murder, leauge of Assassins
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know
Series masterpost .... Previous
Ivy is dropped off with her two baby brothers at two in the morning.
They land on the porch of Wayne manor and watch their mother leave after her parting affections.
She knocks on the door and waits. She has no doubt that they know someone is here. She is just hopeful no one crowds her brothers.
She's nervous. Last time around, she didn't meet back up with her family until seventeen. Now she's fourteen, and in the past, from reasons she dosen’t know.
"Ivy." Damian frowns, "Why is it taking so long?"
"It's a big home, Alfred should be here soon."
"Is he good?" Danyal asks softly.
"Alfred is very good. He's the best man I've known." Ivy smiles softly, fonder than she could ever put into words.
"Okay." Danyal says.
The front door opens to Alfred, who looks fairly unaffected - except his eyes. His eyes look warmer than usual.
His suit is crisp and his arms as behind his back.
"Miss Ivy." The man says, a soft smile on his lips, "These must be your brothers."
"Alfie!" Ivy drops the bag on her shoulder and rushes forwards to hug the older man. She has known him so long- she's missed him so much.
Alfred grunts but hugs her back.
After a moment, he lets go against his better judgement. It's late, and the children need sleep after all.
"Come inside, my dear. You all could probably use some rest." Alfred says as he steps aside.
Ivy picks up the bag and follows the boys inside. She closes the door behind her.
Danyal and Damian stand on either side of their sister. Silent and still as they examine the large entry way of the manor.
There's two grand stair cases, a large family portrait, and marble floors. There's a suit of armor by each staircase.
"I am Alfred Pennyworth, the butler of the manor. Who might you two be?" Alfred asks.
"I am Damian Al Ghul." Damin announces with crossed arms and a haughty air.
"I'm Danyal Al Ghul." Danyal informs quieter, stepping closer to his sister.
Ivy sets a hand on Danyal's head and ruffles his hair. She smiles at him softly. Comfort almost rolls off of her in visible waves.
"Do you need to eat before we send you a lot off to bed?" Alfred asks.
Ivy just hums, "If you don't mind, we could probably eat."
"Of course, what kind of food would you like?"
"Can we have crackers and cheese?" Ivy requests easily.
"Of course, miss Ivy. Do you want to come with me?"
Alfred leads the children to the kitchen and has them sit at the bar.
The old man prepares a quick charcuterie board for them.
The children eat quickly, the two boys much messier than their sister, but that's what nine and a half years age difference is.
Ivy has been quiet. But she thanks Alfred and hugs him once they're done.
The children are led to their rooms, but as soon as Alfred leaves, the boys are breaking into Ivy's room.
It's instinct really to seek out the safest person in an unknown place.
She catches them as they launch at her form. A laugh falls from her mouth.
"Damian said we could have stories." Danyal says evenly.
"Did he?" She asks.
"Yes. I de-mad stories." Damian declares confidently regardless of his mispronounced word.
Ivy dosen’t day anything, he's so advanced in language that a mispronounced word in a second language here and there is nothing.
"Tell us about the twins!"
"Once, many years ago, there was a set of twins named Danny and Dami. The two boys were princes of a very powerful kingdom called Bat-Landia."
"And they had pets made of space!" Danyal chimes in.
Ivy smiles softly, "And they had pets made of the stars themselves. The boys were strong, smart, and capable. One day, their friend, Jon, went missing!"
"No!" Danyal gasps.
"Yes. The boys were very upset, their best friend was missing..."
She continues the story, talking about the daring quest, a troll under the bridge, and the twist where the allies they found were spies. The boys in the story save their friend and ride off into the sunset.
Damian is snoring before the twist and Danyal follows after. They sleep hard.
Ivy covers them all up, before settling down for the night. It's nearly morning, but that's okay.
She falls asleep knowing she's on track with her plan to give the family a better life this time around.
Bruce goes to check on the children after a long night of crime fighting. He cracks the door to Damian's room and finds no one.
He frowns but checks Danyal's room. Maybe the boys are together?
There's no one in Danyal's room either.
He groans.
Bruce dosen’t want to have to tell his daughter the boys have escaped. And he dosen’t know where to start looking on his own just yet. He hasn't even met them yet.
Wait- maybe the boys went to see their sister. She would be the oldest person they know.
Bruce cracks the door to Ivy's room, moonlight spills through it, and runs three lumps in a bed.
He sighs.
The children are all safe.
Bruce steps inside, closing the door as he gazes at the children.
His daughter is in the middle, her arms out to either side. Her dark curls are a messy halo around her. She's got more defined muscles.
But she's whole again, breathing and all.
He never thought he'd see Ivy again. But he gets too.
He draws attention away from his beautiful, strong, and alive (!) Daughter and looks to the boys.
The boy that has a hooked nose - Damian, if he remembers right from the pictures - is closest to the door. He rests his head on Ivy's bicep, arm thrown over her neck.
He's small, and he looks so peaceful.
Danyal is on the left, the side closest to the wall. He has a sharper nose, his mother's nose. He has his head on his sister's chest as if listening to her heartbeat.
Bruce swallows something thick in his throat.
All of his living children are under one roof tonight.
Dick came back to see Ivy. The young man may not be on great terms with Bruce, but when he heard his sister was back, he came home anyway.
Barbra is here too, not Bruce's official daughter but someone who is family nonetheless.
Things are truly looking up.
After losing Jason- everything fell apart.
Actually- they lost Ivy first, and that messed them all up. The girl had died from a car crash in Dick's arms. And had her mother not been Talia, she would have never been brought back.
Then Jason - who Bruce failed thoroughly - was lost to the Joker and the man's obsession with Batman. The loss broke them further, Dick blaming himself and Bruce, having lost two children in six months far too lost to think clearly, wasn't there for his eldest.
Barbra was paralyzed by the Joker. She is alive, but she still grieved her loss. Still felt like part of her died. Though she has found a new way to help.
"Stop thinking so loud, dad." Ivy calls as she opens one eye.
"You're awake?"
"Have been for a while. I wasn't sure if you wanted to talk or stare."
Bruce chokes a little bit. "I didn't mean to -"
"It's okay, dad. I know you aren't going to hurt us." She opens both eyes and gives someone a soft smile.
"Oh." Bruce manages.
Ivy just hums, "You know, I missed you."
"I missed you too, birdie." Bruce says as he steps closer. "Your brothers looks at peace."
"They are, poor things have been pretty upset." Ivy sighs, "They're not like other kids, dad... They aren't going to be like other kids. There have been assassination attempts on them."
"They're four."
"Four and a half." Ivy corrects. "And they're the heir to Ra's."
Bruce grunts at that, looking upset. Which... is probably good. She's not sure, really.
Ivy just sighs slowly. "You look like you need some sleep."
"I do."
"Go sleep, dad. We're safe here. I'll make sure of it."
Bruce frowns as his heart clenches. "Are you sure?"
"You have great security, and I'm plenty dangerous. We'll be okay. I'll see you in the morning, dad." Ivy smiles at him with an assurance he dosen’t recognize.
"Okay." Bruce breathes softly.
He leaves the room quietly, feeling both worse and better.
He's seen the children, at least. They are safe.
Alfred comes to wake the children around ten in the morning, later than usual but letting them sleep in. They arrived late and are used to a different time zone after all.
He wakes them with a knock and a call of their names.
Ivy sends the boys to get dressed easily before she takes a quick shower.
The twins meet Ivy in the hallway.
The three of them go downstairs and find quite the scene.
The living room is full of tension.
Dick is sitting in the arm of the couch, looking like he'd like to set the wall on fire with his glare.
Barbra has her wheelchair parked between the other end of the couch and the chair Bruce is in. She's got her eyes closed.
Bruce is settled in a leather recliner, arms crossed as he growers at the ceiling.
Alfred is nowhere to be seen.
"Uh- morning?" Ivy tries.
All three heads whip around to look at her and the boys.
"Ivy." Dick breathes out softly.
"Dick." She smiles warmly.
"Dragă," Dick stands, shaking.
"You're really here." Barbara manages.
Ivy just nods, "I am. Would you like to meet my brothers?"
"Yes." Bruce says.
"I am Damian Al Ghul." The green eyed boy says proudly.
"I'm Danyal Al." The blue eyes boy says, just a little less sure but far more confident than many adults.
"It's nice to finally meet you," Bruce says as he stands and walks over. "I'm your father, Bruce Wayne."
"Mother speaks of you." Damian says while his twin nods.
"Talia told you about me?" Bruce manages.
"Talia had kids?" Dick asks.
"Three." Ivy smiles sweetly, "I'm her oldest as far as I know."
Dick blinks, looking confused. Then upset. Although he has never much cared for Talia.
Barbra rolls over and smiles, "It's nice to meet you boys, I'm Barbra, but you can call me Babs."
"Ivy likes you." Danyal hums.
"I hope so," Barbra says with a soft smile.
Dick comes over and focuses on the boys. He can't bring himself to look at his sister again right now. She hurts to look at, she's older now.
And he kind of wants to bundle her up in a tower to keep her safe, but he won't do that. That's weird and probably cruel.
"I'm Dick Grayson." The acrobat says with a bright smile.
Damian looks at him doubtfully, as if offended by the very notion. "You do not look like him."
"What?" Dick manages.
"Ivy told us about him." Danyal explains, "She says he's the best big brother, and he has eyes like the sky. You look boring."
"Oh my god." Ivy wheezes, "Oh fu- fiddlesticks. Boys, no, that is absolutely Dick."
"You said he was the best acrobat. This one looks broken." Damian frowns.
"No. Oh my god." Ivy groans as she sets her face in her hands.
"You said I was the best acrobat?" Dick asks with wide eyes.
"Of course I did, cause you are." She says.
Dick looks at her, and he tears up.
She's perfect.
Dark curls damp as they fall down her back. A black tank top over jeans just shows off how she's grown. ( She's breathing! )
He moves then, hugging her tightly to his chest.
She hugs right back, though. Holding onto him as she takes slow breaths. She has missed him, she hasn't seen him look so young in a while.
"We're glad you're back." Barbra says.
Ivy laughs softly and turns her head to look at Barbra, "You couldn't keep me away."
Barbara sets a hand on her arm where the younger girl is still hugging Dick. "If you ever need me, I'll always be here."
"Thank you, Babs."
Dick steps back finally. Hands resting on his sister's shoulder. "Don't you ever die on me again."
"I don't plan to." Ivy smiles.
"She is not allowed to die." Danyal says sharply.
"You're right about that." Barbra laughs softly.
"Alright, alright, I think it's time you three get to know Damian and Danyal." Ivy says as she steps back.
Damian looks his father up and down before looking to his sister. He seems to be saying,'What now?'
Ivy squats down between her youngest brothers and tilts her head.
"Are these the people you talk about?" Damian asks.
"Absolutely." Ivy smiles, "These are my family."
"We are your family." Danyal says with a frown.
She softens, "Of course you are, habibi. You are my family, but so are they."
Ivy frowns softly now that she's finally alone. She's put the boys to bed in their own rooms and escaped to the library.
As far as she can tell, she's going to be here for a while. She's changed things- but nothing bad has happened yet.
What if she changed more things?
She is going to have to try to track down Jason. Getting him on her side after her last spree of assassination targets shouldn't be hard. The awful clown is dead.
She can try to befriend Tim at school when she goes back next week. Steph, too, maybe?
Then, she has to find Cass, which will be a challenge.
Oh, and she should look for Duke if he can keep his family, that's for the better. But he deserves to have even more family too.
She looks through the books and smiles sadly when she sees a well loved copy of Stephen King's 'The Eyes of the Dragon'. Her favorite book is one she's been read and read herself so many times.
It's one of the first books she got Jason to read and discuss with her.
She misses him so much.
He has always been the one who was there for everything. Her best friend.
"Calm down, Ivy. You can do this." Ivy says to herself as she grabs the book she'd just looked at, the Stephen King fairytale a safety she longs to read again.
She settles on a couch by the fireplace and starts reading. The words wash over her gently as she relaxed into it.
She has time.
The door opens to Alfred, who just clears his throat.
She looks up, "Alfred?"
"Miss Ivy, my dear, it's late. Shouldn't you be in bed?"
"I just can't sleep. There's so much in my head."
Alfred sighs,"I can understand that. The twins seem very attached to you."
She just laughs softly. Her boys are attached to her. In her time, Damian has done all sorts of things just for her happiness and safety. Before she got Danyal out, he would have done anything for her.
"I'm really lucky that way." She says with a soft smile.
"I'm glad you were not alone there. I've watched the league break many." Alfred frowns as he walks closer.
She sighs slowly. "Alfie..."
"Miss Ivy, I just want you to know you can talk to me about anything."
"I know, Alfred. I appreciate that. I just - I don't know how. I did a lot of things there." Ivy admits softly.
She dosen’t know how to talk about it either. Before she went back in time, her family already knew because she had a breakdown and Damian shared her history.
She's never actually told anyone, but Jason outright what she's done. And she had thought he was a criminal she didn't know during that outburst.
"I understand that. Just know that if you ever do tell me, I will not judge you."
"I know. Thank you, Alfie."
"Of course."
Ivy dosen’t know what it is, but she wants someone to know because she chooses it. She wants to knowingly and meaningfully open up.
So she goes on a whim. "Hey, Alfred?"
"Can we talk about it?" She asks as she puts a bookmark in the book.
Alfred nods as he crosses the space and sister on the other end of the couch. "When ever you're ready."
"I'm a killer, Alfred. I've taken lives."
"I'm sorry, I know you didn’t want to."
"No. I didn't. Then I got numb. It stopped hurting." She sighs, "I've made my peace, I don’t plan to do it again... I made sure to make it fast. But I'm not who I was before."
"No one is ever the same," Alfred soothes, "But you can choose to be someone you want to be."
"I am. I don't want to kill again, Alfred. I just... I know I can now."
Alfred just hum, setting a hand on her shoulder. "My dear girl, everyone has the ability in them. Very few have the ability to choose kindness after they unlock it."
"Alfred." She manages, "I- you sound like you don't think I'm a monster."
"No more than I am, my dear."
She hugs him then, tight as she shakes and holds back tears. "You always know how to help."
Alfred hugs her back firmly. His arms are solid and safe, and a haven she's missed.
"I am always here for you, Ivy. You are not a monster for doing things to survive or to help others survive."
Ivy feels better. For the first time, she told someone her history on her own without missing some information.
And she's accepted.
There was no pity or judgment. Just acceptance and commraderie.
Alfred truly is the best of them.
Next (wip)
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secondgenerationnerd · 2 months
Asha as a potential first female ra’s al ghul would be pretty sick ngl
Damin would consider that his greatest failure as a father.
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rynn-png · 3 years
I like you have some dami hc (Dami-13 Jon-12)
(Also first crush jondami after the goon covno/purple)
Okay i can totally see Damian asking awkward questions to get out of talking with their family
You know like seggs related stuff and puberty shiz
They always loved that look of embarrassment and just awkwardness in the air
Well they were never awkward when someone told them “ask Bruce” or “um is someone calling me” they found it hilarious
Thats untill they tryed that with Dick
Dick perpeared a slide show a fucking slide show
And through everything they just covered their face and blushed from embarrassment you could mistake them for a tomato
Jason walked in and he said “taste of your own medicine brat” and Damian flipped him off
In my hc Damian stutters their fast thinking
I can so see new villain thinking a 13 year old thats stuttering means that their new but oh boy they’re wrong
Some goons have made a level of how much Damians stuttering and how afraid you should be
Goon(g): oh and we have the robin stuttering levels
New goon(n):the what?
G:oh yea robin has a stutter and we made a level of how fucked you are
G:since we’re one of the one dangerous villan goons we’re basing it off of that
G:if they barely stutter they’ve already planned 20 different ways to kill you
G:yea and if they stutter like a normal amount for them you will most likely survive and just be left with a few broken bones or a coma
N:Say what now? How old is he?
G:they use they/them pronouns we might be a serial killers henchmen but we’re not transphobic here and they’re thirteen
G:culture shock?
Damian and Jon were rivals for about a month (although they exaggerate that part a lot) and slowly became closer and closer
Thats until the older realized they might’ve liked the younger after six months of knowing him
They of course hid it very well
Or they thought they did
Everyone noticed how more bubbly the ex-assassin became and how just being on their phone typing could make them smile the slightest smile and a hint of red tinted on their face
(Damian was trying to keep a poker face they’ve gotten better at controlling their blush)
So the Protect Dami ClubTM held a meeting and declared it a code baby pink-first crush
They of course became nosy but failed and asked Cass for help but lucky she respects her siblings privacy
Of course Damian noticed and made sure they didnt reveal any secrets
It even helped them with acting in the drama club they were in
Thats until the Kents visitied the Waynes
Thats when it all went down hill for Damian keep up their poker face
They mentally cursed the butterflies in their stomach
Both the children were just oblivious to the blush of the other
The Protect Dami ClubTM hover (most of them) werent
Steph:wait have you guys seen how Damian and Jon acted around each other?
Jason:yea the demon spawn has been hanging around Jon a lot
Dick:like we arent family
Duke:Steph do you think its what i think it is
Steph:yea i probably do
Cass *signing*: finally thought you guys will never notice
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chariom-inactive · 2 years
trans femme damian 🙏
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airasilver · 4 years
So question for Nightwing/Batman fans:
Is Dick mostly in Bludhaven or Gotham? Cuz, at least from fanfics I read, he's barely ever in Bludhaven. If he's there it's usually with a family member or the story is set there.
But Canon wise. Bludhaven or Gotham or both equally?
Also what about the others? Are they still Gotham or some other city? I think Cass is Hong Kong but I might be wrong.
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maxdark158 · 5 years
Thank You
Thank you everyone enjoying my Daminette fics and leaving comments. I've never had so many people enjoy my content and it's made me really happy
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marvelpluschannel · 2 years
Robin:DC Plus Tribute
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Can I have Yandere batfamly x baby 🐺 female reader
Where the batboys cough coug demon spawn Damin cough found the reader in a ally way and sneak her in and later find out the reader family was killed and the reader not a baby wolf but a wherewolf and Bruce like this is your sister now
It was a normal night when the sounds of whimpering hit the ears o the Wayne Family's Youngest Son - Damian Wayne-Al Ghul. He followed the sound and found a small little puppy that looked like it could have been of Grey Wolf Origin with midnight colored fur.
When the puppy opened its eyes - revealing the light blue - Damian instantly saw himself in the pup and took it home with him. Upon entering the estate, all eyes turned to face to puppy in Damian's Arms and everyone began gushing over it. The puppy looked as if it was starting to blush before it exploded in a cloud of smoke, revealing a little girl with short black hair, pale skin, and sky blue eyes hiding behind Damian.
"Did that dog just turn into a girl?" Jason asked with a raised eyebrow in a confused voice.
"I think she did." Dick said as he looked at the girl in confusion.
When the Head Bat came to hear what all the commotion was about and say the girl, hearing that she was a puppy that turned into a girl, Alfred said: "Well, it's clear that you have brought a werewolf into the house, Master Damian."
Everyone looked at the girl, who was now in Bruce's arms as he looked into her eyes, analyzing her and she analyzed him until she opened her mouth and called him 'Alpha'.
That did it for Bruce.
"Alright, I'm adopting her." He holds the girl out to everyone, "Meet your new sister, [Reader], boys." Bruce said before walking away with the newly named [Reader] in his arms; soon to have his sons chasing him for their new sister.
Nightwing would buy [Reader] all of the chew toys for the werewolf form.
Jason bought plushes of supervillains and taught [Reader] how to tears into crime.
Damian loved reading to [Reader] or telling her about all the crime the Batfamily have defeated and how she would be an amazing addition to the team.
Bruce... He made an entire room for his new daughter with all the stuffed animals he could find and different kinds of things for human and wolfish likes.
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djbunnie · 3 years
the demon obsession
Yandere AU: Damian is obsessed with Raven and would do anything to have her all to himself. Was inspired by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY8Wv8auGlI saw the video and that would be cool if I had Damian and Raven in this.
Raven: *groan*
Damian: “Oh, Beloved! You're finally awake!”
Raven: *confused* “...ahhhhhh...what?”
Damian: “As much as I admire your sleeping harmonious beloved, it does become monotonous after 6 hours.”
Raven: “what's happening? Where am I?”
Damian: “were in the mansion solitary confident, beloved! My mother went through a lot of trouble to get this added in the basement.”
Raven: “What are you talking abou - Huh! What is this?! Am I tied up to a chair!”
Damian: “That right beloved. That's the very same chair that my mother built for my father while she was keeping him here. And know you have the honor to sit there, too! Isn't that romantic?” 
Raven: “...aren't you….that boy who's on the TV lately? What was it... Al Ghul?”
Damian: “oh, you don't need to be so formal, beloved! You have permission to call me by my first name.”
Raven: “oh, god… it's not true,is it? All those things the journalist said!”
Daimen: *frowns* “Beloved, I said. Use my first name.” his voice is vexed.
Raven: “I'm sorry, i don't know you well enough to-” raven was interrupted when damian stood over her, whipped out a dagger, raven winces when the cold blade pressed against her throat.
Damian: “Say. My. Name.” he said in a threatening voice
Raven: “D - Damian! Damian!”
Danian: takes a couple steps back, and then feels a blush working its way up his neck. *moans in pleasure*
Raven: “w...what…?”
Damin: “oh beloved! You saying my name is music to my ears. i'm so glad that i caught it on record to remember this joyful memory”
Raven: “wh… what do you want from me? Am I your next victim!”
Damian: “Victim?” For a moment he looked confused, and then began laughing. “Of course not beloved! I would rather die than lay a hand on you” He cupped her face in his hands, made her meet his gaze. “you're the one I was protecting this whole time!”
Raven: “protecting…? You mean… all those boys at school... those gifts delivered to my apartment, the love letters in my locker, the unknown calls and text! It was you! How did you know where i lived and my number”
Damian: “That's right beloved! They were threatening our love! I had to get rid of them all! how I got your number and address, The Perks of Being the next heir of a multinational conglomerate empire with its own banking, weaponry, military forces and for fun a martial arts tournament. with all that money I hired a private detective to get Intel on you.”
Raven: “Love?! But we never even spoke to each other before!”
Damian: “I know, darling! It's so exciting to talk to you for the first time! I can't wait to have all of our first! Our first date, our first meal, our first kiss, and our first...” he chuckled, licking his lips, suppressing all the erotic images he had conducted in his mind over the last two years.
Raven: “...Damian… if you truly love someone, you shouldn't kidnap them to a chair.”
Damian: “Well, how else am I supposed to make sure that you don't try to run away, beloved?”
Raven: “Please, let me go. I promise I won't tell the police.”
Damian: “sorry, beloved! You're not allowed out of that chair until I'm 100% sure that you'll never try to leave me. From this day forward, I'm never going to let you out of my sight! We'll be together forever.”
Raven: “f...forever!”
Damian: “That's right! … Oh! Looks like it's time! I must leave and start some preparations.”
Before Raven could ask any more questions, he left. Raven was all alone in the dark. Fearing whatever her fate would unfold.
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purple-goo-writes · 4 years
So, for the pairing drabble thing, can I have number 1 for Dickinette, please?🙏🙏🙏
1. “Come over here and make me.”
(Featuring Hellcat (aka Black Cat!Marinette) and Reverse Robins)
Damin felt like facepalming as he listened to his younger brothers snicker over the comms at the situation he was dealing with. It didn’t help that he could also hear his Father’s deep chuckle in the background as well as he observed everything on the monitors back at their hotel. 
Exactly what lead to this moment? Oh right the current Batman sighed mentally, they had investigated the situation in Paris and the Bats decided to offer their help and mentorship to the two teens who were left to deal with this mess by themselves. Thus leading to the meeting of Hellcat and his youngest brother Richard Grayson aka Robin. 
Who unknowingly followed in the footsteps of their predecessors with their constant cat and mouse games and bickering. And Damian Al Ghul Wayne had to deal with his youngest brother’s obvious crush on the pretty year older superheroine, who reminds him too much of Selina Kyle with her smiles and sticky fingers. 
Currently, Batman was watching as Hellcat danced out of Robin’s reach once again with one of his escrima sticks. The blue eyed girl giggling as she taunted the red-faced Robin as they ran in circles around Damian who was completely done with life at this moment.
“Give that back!” Dick growled as he tried to grab onto the girl’s belt tail, which swung out of the way tauntingly. 
“Come over here and make me!” Marinette giggled as she dashed away across the rooftops, past her bewildered partner Gentlebug, who had just arrived. 
“Is this punishment for all the times I tried to kill Tim?” Damian muttered into his communicator while his family laughed at his predicament as Dick shouted and took off after the cat.
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rynn-png · 3 years
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This my oneshot book i made like four days ago i have decided to just link it to wattpad so i can actually get reads (sorry for my mobile data users) if you have wattpad just add the story to your library if you wanna keep updated but if you dont i can tag you in my next post although it would be easier if you make a wattpad acc
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rynn-png · 3 years
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Is Dami jelly?
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